Nepal’s Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology has hammered out an action plan for reopening educational institutes amid the pandemic.
In accordance with the ‘Smart-Lockdown Procedure, 2078’ issued by the Nepali Government in August, the Education Ministry has drafted the action plan for the operation of schools and colleges as they plan to reopen physical classes.
The Education Ministry has categorized schools into four sections, red zone, dark yellow zone, yellow zone, and green zone. Depending on these zones schools will either be closed or opened.
According to Deepak Sharma, Education Ministry Spokesperson, schools that fall in the red zone and dark yellow zone will be closed, either located in the local levels or districts.
Likewise, the schools and colleges in the yellow zone can resume physical classes with minimum presence of students. One-third of students can be allowed for the physical classes on a daily basis.
The local level schools in green zone can fully resume physical classes. However, the schools must adhere to the health protocols issued by the ‘School Operation Framework 2077’.
-Via: https://www.nepalisansar.com/education/nepal-education-ministry-dolls-out-action-plan-for-reopening-schools/